Recenzii pentru Árpád Bistro & Coffee
Am mâncat o saorma la farfurie și o pizza per total a fost ok mâncarea dacă cauți ceva de mâncare rapid și sa pleci la drum e varianta perfecta.
Constantin Popovici
Scump si prost! Si sper ca am cuprins tot in cuvintele astea. Din pacate am verificat recenziile dupa ce am mancat din cea mai sărată shaorma din viata mea. Cine stie, probabil din cauza salinei din apropiere.
Kiszolgálás nagyon gyenge.. Feledékenyek és nem figyelmesek!
Tibi Gal
Többször is megálltam itt enni , megkóstoltam a pizzát és a shaorma tálat is . Mindig nagyon ízlett !
Talida Obogeanu
Locul perfect pentru luat hepatite si infectii alimentare! Cu aceleasi manusi se incaseaza cash, se atinge tot in bucatarie, inclusiv mancarea, si se aseaza parul. Am rugat amabil tipa sa schimbe manusile inainte sa imi prepare comanda, avand in vedere ca a incasat clientului de dinainte. A ridicat ochii in tavan, nu le-a schimbat, dupa care m-am adresat colegei care vorbea putin mai bine romana. A ridicat tonul si a inceput sa tranteasca lucruri pe acolo spunandu-mi ca e fastfood si ca asa se face acolo. Daca nu imi convine (sa bag bancnote in gura probabil), sa nu mai merg la ei 😐 Am inregistrare audio si poza cu personalul; sa speram ca ajuta la protectia consumatorului. Va sugerez sa filmati daca mergeti, in special daca nu vorbiti maghiara 7/05/23, 11h
Janos Lazar
Iulian Pădureanu
Dacă nu vorbeşti maghiară nu eşti servit
Levente Szőcs
Csalók! 10 lejért reklámoznak 500ml limonádét, és csak 300ml körüli mennyiséget adnak.
Manufaktúra Torta
Olaszországban nincs ilyen jó pizza és mellesleg mindenki kedves volt!!!!
Cosmin Ilie
I had multiple experiences with this location, but all of them were awful. First of all, in order to even get to torture your tastebuds with the bad, cold food, you need to speak Hungarian. If you don’t, the staff will simply ignore you, and take the order of other hungarian speaking customers, even if you were queueing up way before them. If you find the restaurant empty, you might be lucky to be treated with disgust by the xenophobic staff. At that point, you get to order the food. If you have an electric or hybrid car, you’re in luck! If you order anything that is not already cooked, your car will have plenty of time to charge, because the staff can take up to an hour in order to cut some kebab and put it in a bun. Once you get your food, you will be dlighted by the wonderful taste of cold meat, warm vegetables. If food poisoning had a taste, this would be it! 😋 As for the coffee, you’re better off using the coffee machines outside. It’s way cheaper, it tastes much better, and it takes less than 30 minutes to make. The only decent things you can get from here are the lukewarm sodas, but you can even find those cheaper at the supermarket right next to it. tl;dr awful food, awful staff, awful coffee. Maintain at least 6ft of distance from this place.
Opțiuni pentru serviciu
- Terasă
- La pachet
- Servicii luat masa
- Cafea
Opțiuni de luat masa
- Locuri de stat jos
- Atmosferă relaxată
- Grupuri
- Potrivit pentru copii
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