Valea Verde Retreat Informații
Hotel, Bed & Breakfast
- Str. Principala 119, Sat. Cund
- 0371 237 117
Recenzii pentru Valea Verde Retreat
Catalin Sanda Mutica
Am petrecut un week-end cu prietenii. A fost o experiență culinară foarte plăcută de care ne vom aminti cu siguranță.
Diana Ramona
Un loc în natură, liniștit, cu mâncare delicioasă și personal primitor, Valea Verde din Cund, România, este o alegere excelentă. Acest complex eco-friendly oferă o experiență autentică în mijlocul naturii transilvănene. Peisajele sunt impresionante, iar atmosfera este relaxantă și revigorantă. Mâncarea este gătită cu ingrediente proaspete și locale, oferind gusturi autentice ale regiunii. Personalul este prietenos, ne-a facut șederea cât mai plăcută. Valea Verde este cu adevărat un refugiu perfect pentru cei care doresc să se bucure de natura și ospitalitatea românească.
Valentina Apostol
Favorite place in Romania for food and wine experience in an authentic rural setting with amazing scenery. I have been to Valea Verde multiple times and had each time a wonderful and unique experience, loved the authenticity of the place, the amazing food based on many local ingredients, the hospitality of the staff and owners. Perfect place to relax, connect to nature and have an amazing dinning experience.
Almafred solomon
I made a reservation for this place. No indication that such”hotel exist” we wait for same to talk with and for awhile we looked around and than: are around 4 small and poor house for few people(2-4?) nothing around and one of a horse in the window. Them a look lady ( like one in the market poor dressed ) we follow her to “reception ״ durty , under same staircase, no Chair to stay, no a glass of water.Three Giles before us probably doing same show?? Send to a house in the village . Then our reservation, she ok she found but are totally 4 rooms and send as also to a house in Village!!!!we refused and and cancel and live the dark in evening.. No go there !! It isn’t a jolted jut are ceating people!! Unbelievable in this such cases exist!!! A story with a German built Al this ? ?????
me me
Am fost la aceasta locatie cu un grup mai mare, de 26 persoane, participand la un eveniment organizat de compania la care lucrez. Rezervare facuta cu saptamani inainte, cu activitati stabilite si anuntate anterior. Cazarea se face in case traditionale reconditionate, pentru cine nu stie! La sosire am fost intampinati de un cuplu german care sunt de 20 de ani in Romanai si care gestioneaza acesta locatie, o doamna si un domn care e bucatar. Cand am ajuns la locatie am constatat ca am primit cele mai ciudate si greu de inchiriat camere pe care le aveau (cazare eveniment corporate cu paturi suprapuse!!!?!??!?!?). Incercand sa rezolvand aceasta situatie am constat ca doamna a refuzat sa discute cu noi. Toata discutia am avut-o cu o domnisoara de la receptie. Timp de 3 zile nu a venit o data sa discute cu noi! In prima seara a avut loc o degustare de vin tinuta de domn - singurele propozitii spuse au fost denumirile vinurilor pe care le dugustam (cine a mai fost la degustari stie cam cum se desfasoara o degustare de vin). A doua seara au avut loc doua evenimente: noi, un grup de romani, si un grup de germani. Grupul nostru a primit mancarea rece si foarte tarziu, prioritari au fost cei din grupul vorbitor de germana. Cand am incercat sa discutam cu bucatarul, nu am avut cu cine! Era de negasit, cel putin pentru romani! Am participat la multe evenimente de acest gen, dar NICIODATA sa fi fost tratati astfel! Multi dintre noi am plecat cu un gust amar! Daca mai poti ignora faptul ca nu stau foarte bine la curatenie, la servire, la atitudinea personalului, experienta descrisa mai sus este de neacceptat in orice registru doriti! Daca vreti sa va simtiti straini si neprimiti in propria tara, luati o portie de "ospitalitate germana" pe plaiuri mioritice la Valea Verde Retreat!
I wished I read the one star reviews about this site before committing to what became a very disappointing experience. Price/quality is poor at best, false in advertising the site online and on magazines on site as things advertised were no longer available and some where not even offered. Bathroom presented damaged walls due to water infiltration, limited activities, smells (septic tank was emptied every day right in front of us, although we were sunbathing and enjoying our privacy) The owner never stopped once to salute and ask how things were going, but was all over his german guests, as a german himself. They even brought their own champagne bottle and the owner said nothing about this .We could not find out if this was possible for any other guests? And how could we even know if there was a corking fee if nobody even bothered to visit us and talk about it? The waiter was not trained to address corking rules and did not know what we were talking about when we asked about eventual corking fees, if any. The food was very minimalistic at dinner time, had a fine dinning type touch to it, but I got up hungry after a 7 course meal! Oh, and I will not tell you how much it costs for a itty-bitty-tiny quail poached egg on top of a tiny tea is ridiculous! We had no other choice at dinner, it was only an item was on the 7 course menu! We did not eat lunch there as we travelled and did other things, but it we booked this location also because of the advertised kitchenette. We like to prepare little treats when we feel like it, or simply to wash our utensils, like coffee mugs and such during the day. The kitchen sink was not even hooked up, there was n drain in the wall, nor hoses connected. There was no bucket under the sink, at least! I turned on the faucet to wash glass and the water ran down inside the furniture! We called about this, but the issue remained unresolved! It would take to long to write about customer service actions (inaction) for this issue and the poor justifications we received (we never had it connected, we have nowhere to move you, although you booked this location for the kitchenette as well and although the place was only at 10% occupancy that Monday. There was a drip coffee machine, but had nowhere to empty the coffee pot, unless you went to the toilet and used the shower to wash the pot! We found fake advertising onlie and onsite; there was old information still being advertised, like the cheese- making tour and experience no longer available, along with other services written about but not offered anymore. We were told that they no longer offer the cheese making tour experience and to contact the factory ourselves. Given all of this, We went to see the hot tub and little hut up on the hill. I am glad we did. The place was not kept clan, there were insects everywhere, no screens at windows, the couches and chairs were dripped with hot wax form burned candles; the water was green and uninviting, and there was a tractor making all kinds of noise, raising the dust as he plowed away nearby (wind was blowing form his direction). The carriage ride was a disappointment as well as one rides simply in a semi-closed wagon right on the street through the town and back; that is it, no frills, no story, nothing to see. We wanted to take the 3 day offer on weekend but were told that all was full and had to come during the week. We were not told that the place was actually having an event for themselves for the German Octoberfest (16 SEPT 2023) and could have found lodging elsewhere just so we could enjoy this event as well at the restaurant that day. The owner could certainly have explained the closed-circuit situation and try to save face, if he cared to do so, of course. But for this, he would have needed to exchange a couple of words with us, especially since we were the only "non-german"guests on site. I felt this was intentional. I wrote on TripAdvisor about how they treated the horses which were dropped in our backyard. I had to water them daily as nobody came to do it. Dang!
Ioan Coman
Personal fără chef de munca nepoliticos nu recomand
Sincer, nu se merita pentru prețul pe care il cer. Ințeleg ca suntem la țara și noi tocmai pentru liniste venisem, insa nu e normal sa cazezi niste oaspeti langa un grajd unde miroase..asa..Curatenia lasa de dorit, iar presupusa ,,piscina’’ este o balta efectiv, nimic mai mult, nu stiu cine a avut ideea sa o numeasca piscina. Si drumul e cam anevoios pana acolo, nu se merita sa vii de departe pentru acest loc.
Ciprian Radut
Pe fundalul maiestuos al Carpaţilor, la capătul unui drum care șerpuiește printr-o pădure veche, pitorescul sat Cund, cu casele sale pictate în mod viu, strălucește ca o bijuterie ascunsă. De-a lungul secolelor, a absorbit tradiţiile germane, române și maghiare – și rezultatul este o fuziune fascinantă de culturi, evidentă în arhitectura caselor tradiţionale sau în atmosfera saxonă a Bisericii Sf. Nicolae. Dacă vă plac plimbările în natură, primăvara veţi avea narcise și orhidee sălbatice drept companie, vara turlele vor orbita pe cerul albastru, în toamnă puteţi merge la vânătoare de trufe, iar iarna dealurile și munţii acoperiţi de zăpadă sunt perfecti pentru aventură. Împrejurimile, pe aproximativ 100 km de sat, sunt, de asemenea, bogate în frumuseţe naturală și atracţii culturale (orașe fortificate, muzee populare etc.).
Ovi Suteu
O oaza de liniste in mijlocul naturii,mancare buna ,vinuri deosebite...!
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